With great honour the Hellenic Sports Federation of the Deaf is announcing a Press Conference regarding the 14th European Deaf Tennis Championships for Men and Women that is taking place at Lyttos Beach Tennis Academy from the 19th to 26th of June 2021.

 Specifically the Press Conference will be held at Lyttos Beach Tennis Academy on Friday the 18th of June  at 09:30.


Sirigonakis Nikolaos-Regional Vice Governor/Region of Heraklion

Segos Ioannis-Mayor of Chersonisos

Milakis Ioannis-Chairman of the Non Profit Organization of Municipality of Chersonisos

Stavrakakis Iosif-President of the Hellenic Sports Federation of the Deaf and President of the European Deaf Sports Organization (E.D.S.O.).

Ota Pansky-Representative of the European Deaf Sports Organization (E.D.S.O.).

Aspasia Xaxiri – O.C. President and President Athletical Deaf Union of Crete Minoas

 The 14th European Deaf Tennis Championships for Men and Women will be co-organized by the Hellenic Sports Federation of the Deaf and the Region of Crete and the Non Profit Organization of Municipality of Chersonisos, under the auspices of the Athletic General Secretariat and  the Municipality of Chersonisos.


                         Due to the new Sars-Cov-2 pandemic we inform you that no public attendance will be permitted.